Enrich young minds and lives
Fee Structure from 1st April 2024
Under 3 Years
Full Day (8am - 6pm)
Under 3 Years
Mornings (8am - 1pm)
Under 3 Years
Afternoons (1pm - 6pm)
Under 3 Years
Early Start (7.30am - 8am)
3 Years and Over
Full Day (8am - 6pm)
3 Years and Over
Mornings (8am - 1pm)
3 Years and Over
Afternoons (1pm - 6pm)
3 Years and Over
Early Start (7.30 - 8am)
Funded Children Only:
Food and resource costs when your child attends for a funded session from 1st April 2024:
Morning session 8am - 1pm (breakfast, lunch and resources) £7.36
Afternoon session 1pm - 6pm (tea, snack and resources) £5.45
Payable monthly in advance and are calculated by 51 weeks / 12 months. We also offer term time only calculated termly.
Government Funding:
We provide Nursery Education Funding for eligible 2-year-olds, as well as 15 hours funding for all 3 and 4 year-olds and 30 hours funding for eligible 3 and 4-year-olds.
The term after your child's third birthday is when they become entitled to a minimum of 15 hours funded care for 38 weeks of the year. We will claim the funding on your behalf and invoice for any additional time or costs. This does not include meals which can be purchased at an additional charge. You will be asked to fill out a parent claim form and we will forward this to the local authority in order to claim your funding.
We accept all childcare vouchers. Useful information on Child Tax Credit can be found at: http://taxcredits.direct.gov.uk